

Main Campus 

Harding's home community, Searcy, Ark., a city of 20,000 people, is the seat of White County. Located in east central Arkansas, Searcy位于小石城东北50英里,孟菲斯以西105英里处, Tenn. 小石城和孟菲斯的临近使西西的居民可以在不牺牲小城镇生活的特殊魅力的情况下获得大都市地区的文化和娱乐机会.
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Harding Academy
in Searcy, Ark.
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Harding School of Theology
in Memphis, Tenn.

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Harding University in Rogers, Ark.


International Locations

欧洲杯买球app软件,我们相信全球教育的重要性. We offer no less. 这就是为什么2010届毕业生中有48%的人参加了我们国际校区的海外学习经历.

Porto Rafti, Greece

Harding University in Greece (HUG) is housed in the Artemis, 这是位于地中海海滨小镇拉夫提波尔图的一座前酒店(以附近一座阿尔忒弥斯神庙命名), located just outside of Athens. HUG的日常生活看起来就像学生们在外出享受海滩之前享受希腊厨师准备的饭菜, hiking “HUG Mountain,” meandering through the small town or heading into Athens. 旅行团走遍了希腊的许多圣经城市,如雅典, Corinth, Philippi, Thessaloniki and Berea, as well as sites important to Greek history such as Olympia, Delphi, Mycenae, Thermopylae and more. HUG students also explore Israel (Old City, Temple Mount, Western Wall, Mount of Olives), Sea of Galilee and surrounding towns, Caesarea, Bethlehem, the Dead Sea, Jericho, Egypt, Cairo, Giza pyramids, Sphinx, the Nile River and more! At the end of the semester, 学生们可以选择在回家之前独自在欧洲旅行! HUG项目在每个春季和夏季学期进行,每学期最多有40名学生.


前往澳大利亚的欧洲杯买球app软件(HUA). 华大为学生提供了参观亚洲和澳大利亚大陆不同国家的机会. Students have an extended stay in Queenstown, New Zealand, 并经常参观新西兰的其他景点,包括奥克兰. During this time, 课后,学生有机会参加各种户外探险活动, including hiking, fishing, skydiving, bungee jumping and whitewater rafting. In Australia, students may tour locations including Sydney, 凯恩斯和布里斯班,然后乘船游览大堡礁, with the option of snorkeling or scuba diving on site. 本学期还将包括一个或多个亚洲国家的旅行. In past semesters, groups have visited countries including India, Cambodia, Thailand, Japan, Vietnam, China and more. 当每个学期的旅行计划最终确定后,将向HUA学生提供更多欧洲杯买球app软件推荐. HUA项目通常只在秋季学期进行,最多可容纳40名学生.

Florence, Italy

Established in 1980, 佛罗伦萨欧洲杯买球app软件(HUF)是该大学的第一个国际项目. HUF的学生住在斯坎迪奇市佛罗伦萨西南山上的一座15世纪的别墅里, 从这里可以看到阿诺山谷和亚平宁山脉. 除了这个美丽的环境,学生们还享受由两位意大利厨师准备的饭菜. 住在佛罗伦萨郊外提供了无限的机会去探索这座城市所提供的一切:爬上大教堂, strolling across the Ponte Vecchio, visiting the Uffizi, the Accademia and more. 

佛罗伦萨以外的旅游继续通过带学生参观罗马的奇迹来突出意大利的文化和历史, Pompeii, Pisa, San Gimignano, Siena, Lucca, Casentino and more. Students have independent travel time during the semester, as well as an option for more before heading home. The HUF program takes place during each Spring, 夏季和秋季学期,每学期最多带40名学生旅行.

Learn More about HUF

Arequipa, Peru

拉丁美洲欧洲杯买球app软件(HULA)的总部位于一座经过修复的城市, 19th-century mansion, “El Castillo,” in the beautiful, historic colonial city of Arequipa, Peru. Located in a valley at 7,000-foot elevation, Arequipa is surrounded by volcanoes, 其中许多学生在学期中都有机会攀登.

The program focuses on Latin American culture, history and the Spanish language, 他们参观了秘鲁的许多地方,沉浸在秘鲁的文化中, Argentina and Chile, such as Easter Island, Machu Picchu, the Amazon rainforest, Patagonia, Lima, Cusco, Lake Titicaca, Colca Canyon, the Nazca Lines, Paracas and more.

All students are required to enroll in a Spanish class, but no previous Spanish experience is required. 西班牙语专业和未成年人都有机会参加高级西班牙语课程,以推进他们的学位计划,提高他们的语言能力,同时亲身体验拉丁美洲. HULA项目只在春季学期进行,每学期最多有40名学生.

Learn More about HULA


HUE项目遍布西欧,为学生提供欧洲杯买球app软件许多国家的机会. 这学期包括去欧洲各个目的地的旅行,比如英国, Scotland, Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal, as well as a cruise! HUE项目只在秋季学期进行,最多可容纳40名学生.

Kalomo, Zambia

赞比亚的哈丁是一个多元化和文化沉浸式的体验,位于利文斯通之外, Zambia—home of Victoria Falls, one of the seven natural wonders of the world. 学生们住在Namwianga教会,在那里他们可以跟随医护人员和外科医生, teach in schools, spend time at the Haven’s reunification home for children, and read classics of African literature. 人文学科课程包括赞比亚人的客座讲座,并涵盖了语言, culture, history, and religion of Zambia. 在赞比亚,你还可以在世界著名的赞比西河5级激流中漂流, feed elephants and giraffes, and stay in picturesque resorts.

Additionally, 学生们将与他们的导演一起前往非洲东南部的其他国家,如卢旺达, Tanzania, and Cape Town. In Rwanda, 学生将了解种族灭绝和卢旺达作为一个国家重建的救赎方式. In Cape Town, students will visit the Cape Point Nature Preserve, spend time with the Boulder Penguin Colony, see the 12 Apostles Mountains, climb Table Mountain, view the scenic Kirstenbosch Gardens, visit Robben Island, and even have the chance to take surfing lessons.

Of course, 没有在著名的国家公园里进行多日的狩猎旅行,非洲之旅就不完整. 过去有旅游团参观过恩戈罗恩戈罗火山口(坦桑尼亚)。, Queen Elizabeth National Park (Uganda), South Luangwa (Zambia), and Chobe National Park (Botswana). 这些都是包括专业导游在内的全包住宿, food and lodging, and the friendly animals of the African bush! HIZ项目只在夏季学期进行,最多有20名学生参加. 参加HIZ项目需要一个面试过程.